Podcast 466:Thomas Frank: The College Info Geek Gives Education In True Life Studies

Published: Dec. 18, 2015, midnight

b'Today\\u2019s guest joining us on the Join Up Dots podcast is Mr Thomas Franks, the owner of the College Info Geek, where he puts a totally different spin on going through the college life. As he says to the students of the world \\u201cYou know that just going to class, getting good grades, and graduating with a degree isn\\u2019t good enough any-more. You know that being successful in college takes a bit more work. You\\u2019ve got the drive and the ambition. So where do you go from here?\\u201d Which is a fascinating point of view, which is very different from most peoples education experience I would imagine, whereby they base this part of their life as a self contained period. Get through college, get the grades, and then set about kicking ass in the real world. But success takes time, so what better way to hit the ground running than fine tuning and developing your hustle muscle before you need them. By doing things the right way whilst in College. As he says \\u201cThis \\xa0blog is dedicated to helping you build a\\xa0remarkable\\xa0college career, which in turn will lead into an amazing life. This is\\xa0not\\xa0your typical college blog. You won\\u2019t find articles with\\xa010 Tips to Win at Beer Pong\\xa0or\\xa06 Ways to Hack Your Laundry.\\xa0 That bite-size, regular, boring content has already been written hundreds of times on other blogs. I\\u2019m not interested in it. This blog is all about\\xa0winning at college.\\u201d And now he is certainly winning in his own life, and once simply a blog, this is now a lifestyle enthused by passion. So how did he break free from the college mentality that most people buy into, with parties, hangovers, and late nights crouched over the books?\\xa0 And does he look at what he has created as the whole package or just the starting point to what he can now achieve? Well let\\u2019s find out as we bring onto the show to start joining up dots, with the one and only Mr Thomas Franks.'