Podcast 465: Paige Burkes: Entrepreneur Follows Voices To Career Success

Published: Dec. 16, 2015, midnight

b'Today\\u2019s guest is a wife, mother of three awesome kids, writer, entrepreneur, mentor, yogini and finance executive. She lives in the mountains outside of Colorado Springs, CO with her domestic cats, dog and mountain lions. Yeah honestly, these are full fledged mountain lions, the scary ones that you see in films terrorising communities, and making chickens fly into the air! But if you think that this lady is someone born to be living in the wilderness, then think again. Growing up in New Orleans then moving to Boston for college and the beginning of her career, she was a \\u201ccity girl\\u201d who never spent much time outdoors. But after seven years in Corporate America, she wondered if that was what she was supposed to do with the rest of her life. The intuitive answer was a resounding NO but like so many of us find out, she had no idea what the answer was. So she dropped out, put all of her things in storage, packed up her Jeep with some essentials and followed the voice in her head that said, \\u201cGo west and do something with horses.\\u201d Her logical mind asked, \\u201cWhere west and do what with horses?\\u201d And the voice wisely answered, \\u201cYou go figure it out.\\u201d And so off she went, into the unknown and a future that was less than certain, which I think is the perfect starting point to today\\u2019s episode. How did she overcome the fear that usually holds so many of us back as we start to get that vibe of \\u201cThere must be more to life than this\\u201d? And what does she think when she looks back at those seven years in Corporate? A waste of time, or a huge stepping stone to where she is today? Well lets find out as we bring onto the show to start joining up dots, with the one and only entrepreneur herself Paige Burkes.'