Podcast 464: Jeremy Reeves: The Sales Funnel Expert Fights Mediocrity To Gain Success

Published: Dec. 14, 2015, midnight

b'Today, guest joining us on the Join Up Dots podcast is Jeremy Reeves, a man considered one of the worlds leading authorities on building sales funnels. Which is a very nice statement to be able to make, but it wasn\\u2019t always that way. This guy has been on a journey of discovery started by a simple promise to his wife, where he promised \\u201cthat no matter how hard I had to work\\u2026 no matter what it took or what we had to go through\\u2026 I was going to become successful enough to support her so she could raise our future children.\\u201d But like so many people who make such a bold statement of intent, there was a big problem hanging over him. He had no idea how he would do it. They were flat broke. They could barely afford to put food on the table, let alone have kids and let her stay at home to raise them. But he made her a promise\\u2026 and as he says \\u201cI keep my promises.\\u201d So he took a look at himself, and thought \\u201cWhat will my skills and education be able to develop for me?\\u201d He had a degree in human psychology, and had always been fascinated by how the mind works and why people make certain decisions. So wrapping his life around that strength seemed like a good idea. So became A Direct Response Copywriter, and hustled like mad, working two jobs, log hours and developing his skills until he could class him self as a winner. But that was just step one, and after analysing his strengths and weaknesses one day \\u2013 it clicked. He realized that his strength wasn\\u2019t just keeping people glued to his writing, it was combining innovative marketing strategies and positioning tactics (like building a sales funnel) with world-class copy. While most \\u201ccopywriters\\u201d focus on writing \\u2013 he focused on the things that made more of an impact. The big ideas. The positioning. The congruency between products. The back-end. Simple follow-up systems. So does he look back and think the hustle was the true gift in his life, or could he have got to where he is now quicker? And is he astonished at how many people keep on making the same mistakes time and time again? Well let\\u2019s find out as we bring onto the show to start joining up dots with the one and only entrepreneurial Mr Jeremy Reeves.'