Podcast 463: Liana Chaouli: Earning Income By Dressing The Spirit Of The World

Published: Dec. 11, 2015, midnight

b'When we started Join Up Dots it was a big part of the focus, that we brought you many different types of people doing the kind of things that you perhaps weren\\u2019t aware were possible. Well today\\u2019s guest falls firmly into that category, as she is an Image Therapist which until a couple of weeks ago I didn\\u2019t even know the term existed. What that means is, and I\\u2019m sure she will correct me if I am wrong (I am a man after all), but each day you slip into clothes that reflect your personal essence. You don\\u2019t just wear clothes that you have worn for the last few years because someone bought them for you for Xmas. But instead by selecting the right clothes you will discover your authentic self\\u2026 and reflect this in what you wear. Effectively you become more of yourself and ready to take on the world with confidence, style and charisma. And now from her offices in Beverly Hills, California she is taking her clients everyday on a journey of discovery. They are stepping into the brilliant real of wearing colour to live a more boldly authentic and personalized life! So where did this concept come from, and was she always someone who looked at clothes as something more than covering up the bits that we shouldn\\u2019t show? Well lets find out as we bring onto the show to start joining up dots with the one and only Liana Chaouli'