Podcast 459: Jane Evans: Success Is Living A Life That Is Good Enough

Published: Dec. 2, 2015, midnight

b'Today\'s guest following the words of Steve Jobs and joining us on the Join Up Dots podcast is an entrepreneur who is on a mission to help all the parents of the world. She is an expert on dealing with the complexities of raising children, and the anxieties and behavioural problems that we as parents may encounter with our adorable offspring. Well, actually as a father of five children I would say we will definitely encounter these issues, which make them less than adorable sometimes. For the past 20 years she has worked in a range of settings with families with complex needs who have lived through a range of trauma and as a respite foster carer herself had direct experience of living with traumatised children. She has now been running her own company training, speaking and writing about the impact of early years trauma children\'s behaviour and development needs bringing much needed attention to these issues. And now is also a veteran of TedX, yes she can now add that to her expanding list of talents, as in September 2015 she took to the stage in Bristol England with her speech on "Taming and Tending Your Inner Meerkat brain!!" So with her writing, TV appearances, speeches and myriad of other activities going on in her life, how does she retain her effectiveness on the key issues she is tackling? And as an entrepreneur who cares so deeply, is there a chance that she actually ends up caring too deeply and loses the balance in her life? Well lets find out as we bring onto the show to start following Steve Jobs words, by Joining Up Dots with the one and only entrepreneur Jane Evans'