Podcast 455: David Ralph Joins up Dots Along His Entrepreneurial Success Story On Bootstrapping It!

Published: Nov. 23, 2015, midnight

b'This episode of Join Up Dots has been brought to you courtesy of Bootstrapping It! Episode 21: Podcaster David Ralph \\u201cJoins up Dots\\u201d along his entrepreneurial journey David is the host of Join Up Dots, a daily podcast produced in the UK. The one simple mission of Join Up Dots is to help us all believe that the future can be whatever we want it to be. In this episode we talk with David about the transition from employee to podcaster and the monetization plans for his business, including his new podcasting platform, Podcaster\\u2019s Mastery. Key takeaways David, a believer in the \\u201cside hustle\\u201d as a way to transition from employee to entrepreneur, had been working on various online platforms 6 years before he finally quit his job. He initially quit his job to become a web developer, but soon became bored with it. David became inspired to podcast after listening to John Lee Dumas and Michael O\\u2019Neal. As David has been growing his podcast, at various times he has taken a part-time job and coached/mentored others to compensate for the drop in his income. One key thing that \\xa0David has learned since launching his business is that it doesn\\u2019t take a large number of customers to make a living from a entrepreneurial venture ($500 product sold to 200 of the 7 billion people on the plant = $100,000). David\\u2019s original monetization strategy for his podcast was focused around advertisers, however, he is now concentrating his efforts on creating and launching a platform to teach others how to podcast. David\\u2019s tips for bootstrappers: \\u201cSlide\\u201d, don\\u2019t \\u201cLeap\\u201d into your entrepreneurial venture. Put up with your job while you \\u201cupskill\\u201d yourself. Be selective in terms of who you share your dreams with.'