Podcast 453: Hugh Liddle: Recap Sales Master Is Simply Wizard!

Published: Nov. 18, 2015, midnight

b'My guest today on Join Up Dots free podcast interview is a man who has been in his game for many many years, and seems to enjoy it more today than he has ever done. Starting back in sales in the 1970\\u2019s he has now been selling for over 44 years\\u2026 And he has tried the lot, from selling all sorts of products and services, from financial services to advertising, to gym memberships to alarm systems to milk. He learned to sell the hard way \\u2013 by making loads of mistakes, learning from them and picking up bits and pieces from a variety of people along the way. As he says \\u201cI don\\u2019t think there was any such thing as a sales coach when I started selling in the \\u201870s. So now I\\u2019m THE Sales Wizard because I never did quit, even when the going was tough.\\u201d And that is such a hugely profound statement that we could almost just say that for an hour and all go home \\u201cI\\u2019m THE Sales Wizard because I never did quit, even when the going was tough.\\u201d And now he reaches a huge audience of wannabe sales people, or those who want to get better in sales by his books, or speaker, and radio talk show host. So was he always a salesman at heart, or like most of us just fall into something and then discovered after awhile that he had found his thing? And where did he find his positive attitude that helped him so much to push through when times got tough? Well lets find out as we bring onto the show to start Joining Up Dots with the one and only Mr serial entrepreneur himself, Hugh Liddle'