Podcast 450: Candace Rose Rardon: Taking The Leap Of Faith & Then Sketching The World Through New Eyes

Published: Nov. 11, 2015, midnight

b'It\'s with great delight that I get to speak to Candace Rose Rardon, a lady, who was first introduced me to a guest who appeared way back on episode 15 of the show Mike Sowden. After the show without hesitation he told me, you have to get this lady on the show "as she is having an affair!" Well actually, I don\'t know if he did say that, but they are the first words that you see on her website "The Great Affair" But what does this mean? Well let\'s tell you more about her, as you will see this lady is seriously in love with life, travel and her art, and experiencing life not just living it. She is an writer, sketch artist, and illustrator, and now calls the world her muse. She travels with a passion to capture not just the images, and architecture of the world, but also the flavour and emotions too. This makes her unique in my view. She is someone that shows us through her words and also her amazing sketches how she sees the world. Her character and personality shines out through her work, like no photograph can ever capture. So how did this all start, well we find out during the show. But like my own life has been changed by the Steve Jobs "Join Up Dots" speech, it there to see that hers was changed by the words of Joseph Campbell who once said "We must be willing to let go of the life we planned so as to have the life that is waiting for us.\\u201d And now in her own words, "Seven years ago, I hesitantly took Campbell\\u2019s advice. I let go of the life I had planned and opened myself to the myriad possibilities the world has to offer. While stepping off the edge of my safe existence into the unknown was a terrifying prospect, I also had a feeling that something incredible awaited me if I could take that initial leap of faith. Life has been a crazy adventure ever since." So what is it about travel that lights her up, and is it all plain sailing or are their times that she longs for a cubicle in a grey office somewhere? Well lets find out as we bring onto the show to start joining up dots with the one and only entrepreneur and artist, Candace Rose Rardon.'