Podcast 443: Ken Dunn: Finding His Success And Passion In Readers Legacy

Published: Oct. 26, 2015, midnight

b"My guest today on the Join Up Dots free podcast interview is\\xa0Mr Ken Dunn, a man who seems to be able to juggle more things at once than a juggling octopus. He is a husband, Father and serial entrepreneur with a history of taking start-ups to huge success in a very short time. But like so many of our guests, his career didn't start where you would expect it to start. He started as far away as is possible to where he is today, helping the world change\\xa0the way people write, read and experience books, with his company Readers Legacy. Instead, he started on the path to where he is, by working as a police officer in Halifax Nova Scotia, performing\\xa0Patrol duties, undercover drug enforcement , surveillance ops, industrial fraud and theft investigations. Whilst moving through the ranks, he was learning the kind of skills that you wouldn't think would help him shoot to such entrepreneurial success, but were in fact the stepping stones to building companies of his own that flourished. Organisational skills, leadership skills, an eye for detail all were honed, and in\\xa02001 he started KPLJ that competed in the mortgage business in Canada, and it's rapid financial success, coupled with a start in direct selling, forced his exit from Law Enforcement and he has never looked back. So if he knew then what he knows know would he still start his career in the Police force? And does he know what the true super talent that he has always possessed is, and could he have used only this and still made it to the top? And did he take the handcuffs with him....and you know what those kind of things are used for? Well let's find out as we bring onto the show to start to joining up dots with the one and only Mr Ken Dunn."