Podcast 441: Kavit Haria: Showing Us All Insider Internet Secrets

Published: Oct. 21, 2015, 10 a.m.

b'Kavit Hara is todays guest on the Join Up Dots free podcast interview is an entrepreneur grounded in the age-old marketing principles, but using the latest technology advances to help small businesses thrive online. I know that this sounds very impressive, but in a nutshell today\'s guest is a master at helping people finding their passions and creating thriving businesses based on those passions. That\'s the dream really isn\'t it. But the fascinating thing about this guy is although he now provides the fast-track to business success, he has been on an amazing journey to find those skills himself. Over a decade ago, he was determined to become the worlds best tabla player. Now if you don\'t know what this is, imagine an Indian musician kneeling before two, what I would call bongos, then that gives you an understanding of what he played. And\\xa0he\\xa0played them very well, even performing with legends such Sir Paul McCartney, \\xa0Jimmy Page, and Donovan to name just three. But this is a very niche instrument to play, and as a tabla player, he\\xa0went through the ups and downs of the typical struggling musicians life. For years he faced struggles to find opportunities to perform, create a band, record, gig and tour. And as he says "Not only was this an outer battle, it was an inner battle too. Struggling with self-confidence and a lack of marketing know-how, things never looked up." And this is the key thing to everything. You can have the greatest product in the world, but if nobody finds out about it then you are dead in the water. So how did he decide that there was a gap in his knowledge, that probably wasn\'t the most obvious gap for a table player to realise he needed to fill? And is there a common problem that he now sees time and time again with wannabe entrepreneurs? Well lets find out as we bring onto the show to start joining up dots with the one and only Kavit Hara'