Podcast 440: Melanie Proctor: Health Retreat Success Starting From A Dream

Published: Oct. 19, 2015, 10 a.m.

b'My guest today, on the very first episode of the Join Up Dots free podcast interview is a lovely lady who has gone out on a limb to do things her own way. In fact when you read her linkedin page and see under her achievements and awards section a statement as bold and determined as this "I live in Thailand! That is my "award" for having the guts to get away from the big city and live the life of my dreams. I am thankful for the people who have supported me to have the guts to run away and live on an island. I stand on the shoulders of people braver than myself. I am so grateful!" And this one statement seems to say so much about a lady whose path started at the age of four and now has turned her vision for a wellness retreat into reality. She believes that it was a desire with which she was born and in fact she was training for her whole life. And that is something that is so powerful. The ability to train over a long period of time to get your dream. Or said in another way, she is the perfect candidate to demonstrate to all of us the power of the compound effect which we are so big on at Join Up Dots. You do one thing, and then another, and then another, and then another until you find that you have developed the muscles, talents and skills to take adavnatge of the opprtunities that start forming around you. Takes awhile, but the effort gets rewarded. And so from her base in Thailand she is now living her dream, or perhaps the beginning of her dream everyday, and helping others to detox, relax and move their lives onto the next level. So did she have the total vision right at the beginning, or was it just a feeling of what she wanted to do? And does she see her success as just the beginning, or does she now fancy a life of relaxing and detoxing everyday? Well lets find out as we bring onto the show to start joining up dots with the one and only Melanie Proctor.'