Podcast 438: Taylor Pearson: Showing Us All The End Of Jobs

Published: Oct. 14, 2015, midnight

b'Today\'s guest is a man who when you start researching him you can\'t get a firm steer on what the man is all about. He has chosen many different paths in his life, and tried many different things that for whatever reason turned out to be the wrong ones. At the moment as he says in his own words "\\xa0I primarily write and with authors, entrepreneurs and CEO\'s about how to find clarity and confidence in their businesses, expand their marketing through thought leadership and scale their internal business systems." Well that sounds very professional doesn\'t it. But let\'s tell you that this guy first wanted to be a Lawyer and changed his mind, to become a freelance Spanish Interpreter, then an English teacher in Brazil, before playing semi-pro football. And then he built a profitable business selling advertising to kitchen furniture manufactures. And job done he had found his thing! No, actually he was just fine tuning his talents, developing his skills and finding out what doesn\'t work in his life. So what you can see is this guy at his core was and is an entrepreneur, a man who needs to be challenged by tackling bigger and bolder projects. Its the uncertainty of life that stimulates him and makes him come alive. So when did he decide that he wasn\'t going to be an employee sitting in a cubicle making calls for eight hours a day? And does he see that his dots have well and truly lined up, or is he simply just getting started to what he now believes he can truly achieve? Well lets find out as we bring onto the show to start joining up dots with the one and only Taylor Pearson.'