Podcast 437: Ajay Prasad: Success Built On Failing Fast Failing Often

Published: Oct. 12, 2015, midnight

b'My guest today, on the Join Up Dots free podcast interview is a guy who is a serial entrepreneur, successful business strategist and a marketing expert who before laying the foundation of his various successful entrepreneurial ventures, served organizations ranked among the top 10 of Fortune 500 companies. The founder and president of GMR Web Team - a leading Orange County digital marketing agency dedicated to helping businesses maximize revenue from the Internet - Ajay also owns and operates GMR Transcription, a seven-figure web-based business and award-winning transcription and translation company which he founded in 2004 to fill a void in affordable and accurate transcription and translation services for writers, students, professors and businesses. In the short span of a decade, the company has expanded its reach to include government institutions and non-profit organizations and has become a trusted partner to more than 9,000 clients across the globe. So the key question to ask is, why does he feel that the entrepreneurial bug first bit him, or was it always an integral part of his character? And does he see a path that others can duplicate, or is it simply the case of making it up as you go along? Well lets find out as we bring onto the show to start joining up dots with the one and only Mr Ajay Prasad.'