Podcast 435: Rob Cubbon: The Freelance Graphic Designer In London Finds His Mojo

Published: Oct. 7, 2015, midnight

b'It\'s with great delight that I get to bring on to the Join Up Dots show a man from the UK, who in many ways had a background similar to myself. A few years back he was working in London on a string of meaningless freelance jobs doing picture research, typesetting and a little design for various agencies. He knew that he wasn\'t stimulating himself, so in 2006 he set up a website to start his own company in an attempt to do some of this boring work at home rather than in a boring office. And to his delight it worked, and he worked for someone else for the last time in 2008. By keeping blogging, creating content and doing web and graphic design work for his own clients, his business grew and grew, and then in 2012 he came to a big decision in his life. His marriage failed in 2012, and being inspired by the words of Tim Ferriss and location independent entrepreneurs asked himself the question "Why am I living in London?" So since September last year he has been mostly living in Thailand as well as travelling in Cambodia, Vietnam and the Philippines. So does he look back at his life with totally new glasses, and think "Wow, once you start taking consistent action what a life you can create?" And does he think that anyone can do this, or is their a huge super-talent that he has that no one else does? Well lets find out as we bring onto the show to start joining up dots, with the one and only Mr Rob Cubbon'