Podcast 433: Manuel Bustelo: Living A Life Of Inspiration, Adventure & Freedom

Published: Oct. 2, 2015, midnight

b'Today\'s guest entrepreneur joining us on the Join Up Dots free podcast business interview is a man who quite simply it seems does things his way. He built an amazing career for himself, and is living life to the full and experiencing in a few hours the kind of stuff that most of us wait until a vacation for. Amazing inspiration at every turn Born in Mendoza near the Andes in Argentina, it would seem obvious that his path would have gone the way it has in some ways, but then again we see time and time again on Join Up Dots that the obvious is not the normal. He was born with asthma, and instead of his parents giving him medicine when he needed it and keeping him away from sport and exertion, they instead encouraged him at the age of four to go skiing. On the mountain tops, where the air is thinner would seem a strange place to send an asthmatic child, but actually they laid the first dot in his life...the love of doing things differently. And from that small boy, he has grown into a man who has built a career tackling the land above and below the water to bring the fragile but astonishing beauty of the world to all of us. Mountain biking down volcanoes, diving the oceans of the world, he is inspiring a generation to take care of what we have all around us As he said when asked about his desire to be a true adventurer "The notion of being an adventurer is great, the more adventurers we have in the world, the more nature will be respected. By getting closer to the environment \\u2013 at 3000 metres watching the sunset, or being underwater with a clownfish, seeing the difference between corals that are alive and corals that are dying, we better understand the world around us. We, as humans, need to touch or see things for ourselves otherwise we can\\u2019t fully relate to them. If you don\\u2019t see something, you don\\u2019t feel it. I think that can be extended to everything. The more people that ride bikes around the world, the more people that climb mountains, the more people that get close to nature in any form, the more advocates we have for conservation.\\u201d So is this a message that is getting through to the world, or are we all programmed by the "Well I can\'t do anything on my own" mentality? And what would he choose if we only allowed him to keep doing one of his three main passions "Biking, mountain climbing or diving?" Well lets find out as we bring onto the show to start joining up dots, with the one and only exploreer and of course entrepreneur Manuel Bustelo'