Podcast 432: Mimika Cooney: An Entrepreneur Finding The Freedom To Be A Salmon Everyday

Published: Sept. 30, 2015, midnight

b"Today's guest joining us on the Join Up Dots free podcast is a TV Host, published author, speaker, business branding, and video marketing expert. \\xa0 Her passion is helping entrepreneurs attract their perfect clients and position their brand for higher sales by sharing her branding and marketing expertise. \\xa0 She is the host of Mimika TV, a web show that inspires entrepreneurs to build a brilliant business brand, and quite simply seems to be having the time of her life. \\xa0 And why shouldn't she when she is 100% authentic and is quite obviously playing to her strengths everyday. \\xa0 Strengths that she has built up by throwing herself into the kind of environments that would freak so many people out. \\xa0 Standing and presenting live in front of the camera for UK TV, working in the modelling industry, being a public speaker. \\xa0 All of them taking her further and further outside her comfort zone, helping to building a future that is all her and her alone. \\xa0 So why has she had such an eclectic career and challenged herself in environments as we have already mentioned? \\xa0 And where does she see it all leading? To a perfectly defined master plan, or a make it up as she goes along type of vibe? \\xa0 Well lets find out as we bring onto the show , to start joining up dots with the one and only Mimika Cooney"