Podcast 428: Robert Mallon: Making The Rusty Lion Roar Everyday

Published: Sept. 21, 2015, midnight

b'Todays guest joining us on the Join Up Dots free podcast interview is Robert Mallon, a man driven to make a difference to the men of the world. \\xa0 Alongside his business partner, Bill Watkins, he is the founder of RustyLion Academy, where they work with men between the ages of 30 and 49 to help them make huge steps forwards in their entrepreneurial ventures. \\xa0 He knows better than most, that no man is an island, and by connecting with mentors and other like minded individuals across the globe their students make bolder and bolder decisions and believe in themselves to achieve greatness. \\xa0 But it hasn\\u2019t always been a road full of such positivity. \\xa0 As a child, he struggled with the absence of his father he left the family when he was in the third grade. \\xa0 His mother suddenly losing the partner in her life, and the income provider had to take three jobs to survive. \\xa0 He knew that he had to do something and as he says in his own words \\u201cI started working at thirteen to help out at home. I took jobs in restaurants and waited tables at a dinner theatre. I did paper routes and yard work around the neighbourhood. I was a hardware store clerk, a roughneck, and I\\u2019m sure other things I can\\u2019t remember. In one sense, I was very lucky because I went from elementary school through high school with the same group of people, so I had a lot of friends, but I was unlucky in the same sense. Divorce wasn\\u2019t as usual as it is today. I was ashamed my parents had gotten divorced, so I made people believe my dad just travelled a lot. That was tough. I felt really alone because no one knew what was actually going on.\\u201d \\xa0 But through that darkness a man came into his life, who showed such kindness and wisdom, that life was changed for ever \\xa0 He had discovered his first mentor, and realised how life changing and powerful having someone to bounce of ideas with, or just converse with one to one could be. \\xa0 And this seems to me to be one of the first big dots, on his Join Up Dots timeline. \\xa0 But perhaps he would say otherwise, and point to other moments that have led him to where he is today? \\xa0 Well lets find out as we bring onto the show to start joining up dots, with the one and only Mr Robert Mallon'