Podcast 427: Adam Dicker: Domain Man Shares His Online Expertise

Published: Sept. 18, 2015, midnight

b'My guest today, on the Join Up Dots free podcast interview is Adam Dicker, a man who is a lifelong entrepreneur and domain expert who at age 18 received a $100,000 job offer while he was just beginning university. He got online in 1985, right after he got his first Macintosh computer and in 1989, then started running a large computer store in Toronto. He did this until 1994 when he started his own Internet Service provider, and as you can imagine by that time he was hooked on the internet. But of course being hooked on something that in many ways was just finding its feet, is both invogiarting and also unpredictable. This was still four years before Google was formed? What did we say before we could tell everyone "Oh, just go and Google it?" He registered his first domain name in 1996 and is one of a small group of individuals to sell a domain name for seven figures. In 2003 he purchased DNForum.com, which is now the most popular domain name forum on the Internet. He is considered the domain expert by many in the domain industry. So looking back did he come along at the right time, when the world wide web, was finding its feet, or has he made smart decisions throughout his adult life? And what would he be able to do if we didn\'t have a network of information available to us? Well lets find out as we bring onto the show to start joining up dots, with the one and only, yes, domain man himself......Adam Dicker'