Podcast 425: Greg Schwem: A Comedian Ready To Sink Or Schwem

Published: Sept. 14, 2015, midnight

b'My guest today Join Up Dots free podcast interview is Mr Greg Schwem, a man who has combined two sought after talents and created something rather unusual. He knows how many business conferences are dry, flat affairs, with keynotes presentations by grey men, in grey suits, spouting grey material. Leaving the audience wondering when the next breakout session will be, or what happened to that cute girl they saw earlier that morning. Instead he brings a comedic approach honed by working the stand-up routines in Chicago, with an eye for detail for the written word developed through his study at Northwestern University\\u2019s prestigious Medill School of Journalism. Two distinctly different specialisms, which complement each other perfectly. But as we see time and time again where someone ends up, displaying what seem like god given talents, is quite often the last place that they envisioned at the beginning of their career. Leaving University, he settled in Florida, becoming an award-winning reporter for NBC-owned WPTV in West Palm Beach, until when he began inserting material about business and technology into his act, audience members approached him and said, \\u201cYou really should come down to my office and tell those jokes.\\u201d And that was that. With a lot of hard work. A lot of persistence. And a desire to be the best that he can be he was on his way. So how did this young journalist take such a detour in his career? And why did he feel the need to take an already difficult art of public speaking, and make it doubly tough by trying to make business folk laugh at 9:00am in the morning? Well lets find out as we bring onto the show to start joining up dots, with the one and only Mr Greg Schwem'