Podcast 423: Leslie Sann: Life Happens Half Way Up A Pole

Published: Sept. 9, 2015, midnight

b'My guest today on the Join Up Dots free podcast interview is Leslie Sann, a lady who has joined me in bed every night for the last few weeks. No, not in the way that you are thinking, and probably not they way she is hopes its not either. But she presented me with a copy of her new book\\xa0 \\u201cLIFE HAPPENS What Are YOU Going to Do About It?\\u201d and I have been reading a chapter a night, and it\\u2019s a great little book of stories, insights and exercises to take your life to where it wants to be. And the main thing that the book rams home time and time again,\\xa0 is that life should be easy. We should enjoy everyday and find better ways of doing stuff when life seems to hard for us to deal with. She is the founder of Living by Design, an educational coaching organization, where for more than 25 years she has been helping people live a joyful life by showing them how to live by design rather than by default. Make the right thing happens by conscious thought, and not just get pushed around by what life throws at you. So did she get to a point in her own life when she thought \\u201cEnough is enough, its time to make life what I want it to be\\u201d And does she see that most people can build the dream life, or is there a select special group of forward thinkers that get the dream? Well lets find out as we bring onto the show to start joining up dots, with the one and only Leslie Sann.'