Podcast 415: Dave Chesson: Education, Imperfect Action & Following Your Heart

Published: Aug. 21, 2015, midnight

b'My guest today, on the Join Up Dots free podcast interview is\\xa0a man who like so many of my guests started on the path to his current success, due to a lack of satisfaction with his situation. His whole life seems to me to have been built upon hustle, more than personal talents. He started his adult hustle by commissioning into the US Navy, where he decided to go after the dream of being a nuclear engineer and struggled more than he thought possible, though still achieving his aim and grabbing the dream. But there is a famous quote which states "Sometimes on the way to a dream you get lost and find a better one" and this certainly seems to be case here. As whilst he was in the Navy, he realised that he wasn\'t going to see his family, was missing out on key events that he should have been experiencing, and just felt disconnected. Now, as we will discuss on the show he has come full circle, and through developing online strategies, learning SEO and the wonderful world of Amazon, it looks like he has now found the true dream. The dream that he didn\'t realise at the beginning was the right one for him. So when he was in the Navy, did he enjoy much of it, or none of it? And do the dots in his life join up like we see time and time again, or have they started much later in life? Well lets find out as we bring onto the show to start joining\\xa0up dots, with the one and only Dave Chesson'