Podcast 414: Kemi Egan: The Property Entrepreneur Whose Success Earnt The Best Lifestyle

Published: Aug. 19, 2015, midnight

b"My interview today on the Join Up Dots free business podcast is a lovely lady who was kind enough to allow me to spend time with her on her own show Freedom Academies.....Turbo Charge Your Success. Now during our conversation it was clear to me that this was a lady that I needed to get on Join Up Dots, as she has a story that shows all the characteristics that we find in the succesfull. She has motivation. She has hustle And alongside her\\xa0business partner Laura West,\\xa0 a few years ago found themselves homeless The business they ran together was going south and they were exhausted. They had no option at all but to move into two rooms in the office. They had a problem that most business owners have at one time or another. They were very good at that they did, but nobody knew about it. Thye couldnt get their talents out into the world. They started researching business growth systems, high performance \\u2018gurus\\u2019, wealth creation experts and all the investment strategies they could get there hands on. Within twelve months they had a property portfolio worth over $2,000,000 that they had bought with others people\\u2019s money.\\xa0 More importantly the income from that property was double the income from their business that they had spent years building up!\\xa0 They also applied all the business knowledge they had gained, transformed their business and went on to sell it! They did all of this while being homeless, using the leisure centre across the road to shower and working 80 hours per week. They were at such a rock bottom that they had the ability to create huge freedom of choice in their lives. So was it just that the dots joined up, the time became right for them to flourish? Or was it more to do with the undertanding that upskilling your knowledge is the way to go. Well let's find out as we bring onto the show to start joining up dots, with the one and only property entrepreneur Kemi Egan"