Podcast 410: J Massey: A Career Built Around The Pursuit Of Happiness & Financial Education For Others

Published: Aug. 10, 2015, midnight

b'Todays guest joining us on Join Up Dots is one of those true Amerian success stories. The ones that you see in films and think "Really, is that possible" Well as you will hear in todays show, it is possible to go from almost rock-bottom to astonishing success within six years. All done by mainly changing his mind-set and going for gold everyday of his life. Through a series of life\\xad altering events, including the serious illness of his then\\xad pregnant wife, an accident that left him with a punctured lung that excluded him from being able to work, and even losing and squatting in their foreclosed family home, our guest learned quickly that he had to change his mindset if he wanted to survive and thrive. He immediately took action, immersing himself into intensive real estate investor training. He hasn\'t looked back and has built a booming investing business, using very little of his own cash or credit. He now owns an impressive portfolio that includes over 300 units of residential and commercial properties as well as private notes and mortgages. And I guess he is a lot happier than he could possibly hope to be too? So is it a simple as changing your mind-set? Is it as simple as taking consistent action everyday? Well lets find out as we bring onto the show to start joining up dots with the one and only Mr J Massey'