Podcast 409: Slavica Bogdanov: An Author Who Is Inspiring The Kids To Be Great Entrepreneurs

Published: Aug. 7, 2015, midnight

b'Todays guest entrepreneur joining us on the Join Up Dots free business podcast interview, is a lady who seems to be able to turn her hand at most things and make it successful. Born in Belgrade, and raised in Paris, she came from a European family of entrepreneurs who believed hard work was the way to career success. And certainly she has taken that mind-set but also added motivation linked to a vision to what she can achieve, even before the work starts. From regional sales, to real estate, to public speaking, she is doing what she wants and in the way that she wants, but it wasn\'t always the case. For many years her life was only going one way, and that wasn\'t the way she would have hoped. As she says "By 2006, the lessons that I had learnt was that life was rough, that it was a struggle, and it made me believe that I should live like that. And on that year my dad passed away, I left my husband, and ended up feeling more and more depressed. There was nothing inspiring in my life at all. No money, no love, alone in the middle of nowhere having to pay for a house I hated. I was drinking and smoking and tired of living. One day, I seriously considered suicide. My life had been a success of painful circumstance. I had the feeling that all the shit possible was happening to me. But I didn\'t know about how to kill myself.\\xa0 Also, I didn\'t know about self development, and tools to improve your life. She was trapped But then when she felt that her life couldn\'t get any worse, she heard a knock at her door. Opening it her life changed forever. It lead her to a lifestyle of freedom that could only present itself to the person that was most ready to receive it. So what occurred on that day she opened that door to two complete strangers? And was she ready for the message they would present to her? Well it seems to me that she was and now, after over 25 books written, some translated in 3 languages, 3 best sellers, a thriving international coaching business and developing attractitude-kids, she understands how much everything made sense. So lets bring onto the show, to start joining up dots, with the one and only super lifecoach, entrepreneur and author Slavica Bogdanov.'