Podcast 405: Dov Baron: An Entrepreneur Creating Career Success By Mastering Relationships

Published: July 29, 2015, midnight

b'Todays guest entrepreneur joining us on the Join Up Dots free podcast interview, is Dov Baron an Elite Mind Strategist specializing in the Psychology of High Performance Leadership. He serves as a mentor and adviser to corporate, creative and personal leaders. His company Baron Mastery Institute is the only resource for training tomorrow\\u2019s leaders in the implementation of \\u201cThe C.O.R.E Affluence System for Leadership\\u201d. Being born in the UK in the late 1950\\u2019s, even as a child he became fascinated with the undercurrent of human psyche. By the time he was twenty-one he had left his home country to travel and study many spiritual philosophies under a variety of spiritual masters. In June 1990 while free climbing in British Columbia, at approximately 120 feet, he reached for a rock that dislodged a bigger rock. This rock hit him in the face and sent him hurling onto the jagged rocks below. It was a tragic moment, a moment that might have ended his life, and in fact, in some ways it did. Now he describes that moment like this, \\u201cOn that day I fell 120 feet from a self-imposed pedestal and landed on my ego.\\u201d It was the end of the person he had been and in many ways the birth of \\u201cThe Accidental Guru.\\u201d I love this story, even before we have started the show, as it proves that there is no right time to start something, other than now. It\\u2019s you that makes the decision to embrace your true self, and not the version of yourself that is being shown to the world. You can become the entrepreneur that you want and build a business the delivers huge career success. And our guest is doing just that and with the motivation to produce total inspiration \\xa0through his books, coaching, and leadership blog he is doing just that. So what was the person like before the accident, and does he look back with fondness or frustration as to the path he was on? And is this mission one that he feels led to do, almost a mission bigger than himself? Well lets find out as we bring onto the show, to start joining up dots with the one and only Mr career success baron.....the entrepeneur himself Dov Baron'