Podcast 393: Tranea Prosser: Building Her Passion Into True Comedy

Published: July 1, 2015, midnight

b'Todays guest entrepreneur is Tranea Prosser,\\xa0a lady who likes nothing more than having a laugh, and when it comes to making her listeners and audience laugh then she is in heaven. Where ever there are ears to hear, and a sound system to project her voice, she has been bringing laughter to folks in all sorts of venues. And she does it in a clean, non-profane manner\\u2026pleasing to audiences of all ages \\u2014 from kids to senior citizens. It seems performing was pre-ordained for this Texas native, as both\\xa0her mom and dad were singers of some note\\u2026with her late father, Harvey, being a member of the Soul Savers quartet. She has also sung in church choirs for most of life\\u2026as well as of course being a comedian, singer, and author of the book \\u201cCelibacy: What was I thinking?\\u201d She is flexing the old hustle muscle everyday, and making the most of every opportunity that comes her way. But what I find amazing is that like all of us she has started and worked in jobs that seem a total wrong choice to make, and from an outsider point of view seem madness. She has spent years working as an administrative assistant, and a legal secretary for the attorney general of Texas, responding to inquiries and general complaints.\\xa0 But were these the jobs that actually helped light the passions and started her working towards where she is today? Did she realise that although paying the bills, the roles were actually holding her back from a life of enjoyment and fun? Well let\\u2019s bring onto the show to start joining up dots, as we discuss\\xa0the words of Steve Jobs in todays Free podcast,\\xa0with the one and only Tranea Prosser'