Podcast 392: Kirk Bowman: Teaching Us The True Art Of Value

Published: June 29, 2015, midnight

b'Todays guest entrepreneur joining us on the Join Up Dots podcast interview is a man who when it comes to knowing the true value of something is the guy to go to. You see he is the owner of the Art Of value, where he works to assist entrepreneurs, companies, and guys with a product to sell decide on what they should charge. Most of us in the entrepreneurial world have these great dreams of working for ourselves, having time freedom and seeing the money flow effortlessly into our bank accounts. And most of us, at the beginning at least struggle with setting fair prices for our services. We have those self-limiting thoughts that make us go cheap, when actually we should go double. Now our guest can trace his path back to 2009, when he found himself sitting on a panel discussing hourly billing. Set the fee per hour. Do the work. Job done. Another developer on the panel was an advocate for value pricing, and told the audience \\u201cIf you bill by the hour, there is an artificial limit on your income.\\u201d And with those words, our guests life changed forever. So why were those words so profound to him? Was he just at that right moment when his mind was ready fro such a message? Or deep down did he always have the belief that you should get for value of what you offer, but wasn\\u2019t brave enough to bring it to the table? Well let\\u2019s bring onto the show to start joining up dots, as we discuss the words of Steve Jobs with the one and only Mr Kirk Bowman.'