Podcast 391: Hans Finzel: An Entrepreneur Living In His Passion Zone

Published: June 26, 2015, 12:01 a.m.

b'Todays guest entrepreneur joining us on the Steve Jobs inspired Join Up Dots podcast interview is Dr Hans Finzel is a successful author, speaker and trusted authority in the field of leadership. For 20 years he had the freedom to led international non-profit World Venture, serving in over 65 countries and now spends much of his time speaking and writing on practical leadership principles from the real world\\u2014not the classroom. The kind of stuff that corporations across the world are crying out for as the demand for top, productive and efficient leaders become more and more desirable. He has written nine books, including his bestseller \\u201cThe Top Ten Mistakes Leaders Make\\u201d and as we said this information is a global concern, which has led to them being translated into over twenty foreign languages. If that doesn\\u2019t sound like he has enough on his plate already then, he also serves President of HD Leaders, and is chief leadership guru on\\u201cThe Leadership Answer Man\\u201d podcast doing well in ITunes and other platforms. So did his desire to tackle leadership issues come from working with people who just wasn\\u2019t up to the job, even though they were in prime positions? The kind of people that have built careers more by default than talent? Or like most things that become our lifework, did it simply creep up on him and till he couldn\\u2019t resist it anymore? Well let\\u2019s bring onto the show to start todays Join Up Dots free podcast interview, as we discuss the words of Steve Jobs with the one and only super entrepreneur, business man Hans Finzel'