Podcast 389: Mark Barnes: Teaching The Kids That The Best Success Is Found In Failure

Published: June 22, 2015, midnight

b'Todays guest entrepreneur on the Steve Jobs inspired Join Up Dots free podcast interview is a man who unlike so many of us, was not ready to leave school behind as quickly as he could. With an experience gained by over twenty years standing in front of students, he is a man on a mission. A mission that takes him from his own classroom, into every other classroom on earth. And this is providing more and more success in his own life. He believes that the world should connect in order to discuss, create, and encourage new and improved ways of learning into our children\'s lives. And unusually, or at least it seemed to me, instead of saying "And one of the things we need to do is stop the fascination with social media and Facebook" he actually encourages these tools. He wants the educators of the world to connect, or join up their own dots, to create a powerful force of classroom improvement. And now with six best selling books, a keynote speaker, TED veteran, and leading advocate for the no-grades classroom he is connecting to make a huge difference. So why does he feel that instead of saying, keep social out of the classroom, we should be saying "Lets use its power for connecting?" And of course, in true Join Up Dots style, does he remember his own passage through the education system as inspiring, or just get me out of here? Well let\\u2019s bring onto the show to start joining up dots, as we discuss the words of Steve Jobs on todays free podcast, with the one and only teaching entrepreneur Mr Mark Barnes'