Podcast 388: John Murphy: Lifestyle Of Freedom Found By Knocking On Doors

Published: June 19, 2015, midnight

b"Entrepreneurs like todays guest joining us on the Steve Jobs inspired Join Up Dots free podcast interview, is Mr John Murphy, a man who from his core is a winner. And best of all he likes nothing more than helping us all be winners too. He lives in the South of France, but calls the world his office, as he works with individuals and corporations across the globe to make them improve their careers and see the opportunities they have all around them. The opportunities that can bring wealth, success, and enjoyment into their worlds. But this guy certainly didn't start with a global approach to business, as if we go way back you would have found him pounding the pavements, knocking on doors. You see he began his career as a door to door life assurance salesman, but ended as the CEO of a Pan European Life Assurance Company in Ireland. So he knows the hustle that it takes to not just start knocking on doors, but actually building his own doors. The right doors, that can lead to a life of fulfilment, freedom, success, and a life of dreams. He is now the owner of his own international company, and of course the host of the podcast 'Winning at Business & Life' So how John Murphy, born and bred in Ireland break free from the surrounding conditioning of what is possible for a young man from Ireland? And does he see the issues that he encounters with his clients, the same across the world, or is there geographical reasons that hold us back from achieving what we want? Well let\\u2019s bring onto the show to start joining up dots, as we discuss the words of Steve Jobs on todays free podcast with the one and only super entrepreneur Mr John Murphy"