Podcast 387: Christine Hassler: Living Life With An Expectation Hangover

Published: June 17, 2015, 12:01 a.m.

b'Todays guest, joining us the\\xa0Join Up Dots podcast interview, is Christine Hassler, a lady that for so many people would have been considered a success in her earlier life A life that appears from the outside glamorous and stimulating She was an agent in Hollywood, California....yep, she worked the land known as tinseltown for the Artist Management Group and was on a path that seemed set. At least from the outside. But inside her\\xa0that path was most definitely not set. That\\xa0path was leading Christine, away from this sought after position to take her into the unknown and into a world of fear and doubts. At the age of 25 she left this job, and set out to find the true thing she knew in her heart of heart she should be doing. And as she sought for what she needed to do in life, she discovered that so many people she met had those same insecurities and frustrations that life was slipping away from them too. And with the publication and success of her first book in 2005, \\xa0"20 Something 20 Everything" she touched a nerve in her readers and herself. And her future started to reveal itself. Now as a professional speaker,\\xa0Christine Hassler,\\xa0leads seminars and workshops around the country, and is a sought after expert appearing on TV and Radio everywhere on the subject of discovering the answers to the questions: \\u201cWho Am I, What do I want, and How do I get it?\\u201d So how did she end up in Hollywood where it seems so wrong now on any different levels? And how do people begin to answer that question "Who am I " when for their whole life they have allowed people to tell them what they are. Well lets find out as we bring onto the show to start joining up dots with the one and only Christine Hassler.'