Podcast 384: Marc Ensign: Finding Career Success With The Freedom Bridge From Broadway

Published: June 10, 2015, 12:01 a.m.

b'Todays guest entrepreneur joining us on the Steve Jobs inspired Join Up Dots podcast interview is Mr Marc Ensign, did me a huge favour, before he has even appeared on the show, by basically writing the shows introduction for me. Normally, I do all the research and spin it all together, but when you go to their linkedIn and about page and start laughing straight away, then why write the thing yourself. So in his own words "I\\u2019ve had a bit of a whirlwind of a career over the past 20 years that all began as a well known Broadway musician. I\\u2019ve always been an entrepreneur by nature. I really didn\\u2019t have much of a choice as I was pretty much fired from every job I had as a kid for always insisting on doing things my way. As it turns out, companies generally don\\u2019t like it when you do that\\u2026unless of course you own the company, so I started my own company. Successfully promoting my way to Broadway as a musician told me that I had a real knack for marketing, so in 2001 I picked up a copy of PhotoShop and started a website design and search engine optimization company called Sound-n-Vision. For over 11 years now I have been directly involved in the success of well over 1,000 organizations from local Mom and Pop shops to Internet startups to non-profits to Fortune 500 Companies and everything in between by helping them to develop new strategies for success using website design, search engine optimization and social media. With all of the success I have been able to achieve for my clients, I figured that it was a natural transition to share my real world experience and expertise on successful Internet Marketing strategies with people from all walks of life. Marc Ensign describes his style of writing and speaking as "Internet Marketing Without the Geek Speak" meaning that I have a gift for taking otherwise complex subjects like search engine optimization, social media marketing, blogging, increasing conversion rates and other marketing strategies and breaking them down in a way that anyone can easily understand and take immediate action on. This is a man who has found a passion where he didn\'t originally see that he had one? And like me, Marc also struggles with spelling the word definitely every time he types it. So has he created the skill that has led to his successful online business, by simply working harder than most at practicing his art? He has found the freedom to become more of himself Well let\\u2019s bring onto the show to start joining up dots, as we discuss\\xa0the words of Steve Jobs with the one and only super entrepreneur and businessman Marc Ensign'