Podcast 381: Ray Engan: An Entrepreneur Building A Lifestyle By Sticking The Landing

Published: June 3, 2015, 12:01 a.m.

b'Todays guest entrepreneur joining us on the Steve Jobs inspired business show is a man who knows a thing or two about having a laugh. And unusually believes that laughter is a great way to develop leadership in most environments. But does this have to be an unusual approach in business, or should showing a sense of humour in the work place, be the perfect way to find freedom in our lives, reduce stress, inspire others, and of course to show that you are in control? Well for over 15 years, our guest toured America as he excelled in one of the hardest entrepreneurial routes you can take, that of the stand-up comic. Honing his craft. Where the ability to learn from complete silence, and take the nights when everything goes wrong, helps you find your natural self, and ultimately bring laughter to any audience. And why did he do this? Well he knew he had to overcome his fear of public speaking to build the kind of careers that he wanted, after meeting a gentleman at a toastmasters meeting he knew it was down to him to beat this fear. He was told \\xa0\\u201cThe only way to get better at building the careers that you want is to do it.\\u201d As he says, \\u201cEverybody in this world has a story to tell and they should share their stories. I believe we learn how to overcome adversity when we share our stories.\\u201d And he is doing that to great effect, and \\xa0bringing smiles and laughter to everyone he meets? So can he remember the nights when every joke went down like a lead balloon? And did he know at those times that he was learning a valuable lesson towards building his perfect lifestyle, or was it just \\u201cHow long till I can get off this stage?\\u201d Well let\\u2019s bring onto the show to start joining up dots, with the one and only entrepreneur Mr Ray Engan'