Podcast 372: Derek Lewis: Career Success Formed By Ghost Writing Content

Published: May 13, 2015, 4:01 a.m.

b'Todays guest solopreneur is a man who was introduced to me by the great Matthew Pollard who appeared on episode of 344 of Join Up Dots. He said "David, you have to have this great bloke on your show he is the best" and aren\'t I glad I said "jump onboard" As he has fascinating story that started when a Brazilian missionary handed him a tattered 1979 copy of "Quest for the Best." And his life changed forever. As he says "While my peers were the 90s\' equivalent of "Twilight," I was devouring books on economics, biographies, success stories, business management, entrepreneurship, and anything else business-related. I couldn\'t get enough" And did this inspire his love for everything entrepreneurial, or just help him find the thing that he could love enough to risk the old leap of faith? Well we will find out during the show, but its true to say, that he did leap and left conventional employment to start an IT services company with a co-worker (still successfully in business today), and during the start-up phase, found he could support his family by taking on copywriting projects to bring in some extra cash And I love this part of the story, as it links literally every episode of join up dots, as these two passions fell in love with each other, and after a quick getting to know each other stage, produced an amazing offspring. Our guest gave birth to his fulltime career combining his two loves\\u2014business and writing\\u2014he decided to pursue a full-time career as a business writer and he hasn\'t looked back since. So was he an avid reader when he was a kid, or did he need to find the moment when the written word was right for him? And does he see the old mantra of "find your passion and you will never work again" as true, or it is more like the passion will find you? Well let\'s find out as we bring onto the show to start joining up dots, with the one and only Mr Derek Lewis'