Podcast 362: Donald Kelly: An Entrepreneur Who Found Success With Wind In His Sales

Published: April 25, 2015, 4:01 a.m.

b'Sometimes you can\'t see the path that you should be on, even though you are on the right path. And that seems to be the case with today\'s guest entrepreneur joining up their success on Join Up Dots. This is a man who started working in an environment just as a job, and then found that he loved the very thing that he was surrounding himself. He found his thing in the world of sales, and now calls himself a "Sales Evangelist" and gets his message of the best sales techniques and personal stories of success out to the world on his very own show "The Sales Evangelist Podcast" He wants to bring the best tips and advice from the most experienced sellers to the struggling and overwhelmed sales executives, that fail to see that the perfect closure of a sale, isn\'t a forced sale, but one where the customers wont let you go without signing on the dotted line. But this story is one of those that I find so fascinating on join up dots, and bridges the gap between the listeners and the successful entrepreneurs and movers and shakers. As he is still on a daily basis hustling like mad to make the future that he deserves. He still works fulltime for Advance Processing and Imaging in Florida, and when he isn\'t in the Florida sun with his lovely wife will be work on the slide of faith, leading to the big leap. So does he find it a struggle to balance his life as a sales coach, podcast host, and an award winning speaker with his everday commitments? And what has he found as the hardest part of starting a new venture...the idea, or the action? Well lets find out as we bring onto the show to start joining up dots with the one and only Mr Donald Kelly'