Podcast 345: Mark W Guay: Helping The World Make Huge Impact Everyday

Published: April 8, 2015, 4:01 a.m.

b'Todays guest has come onto the show to share his story, as he works towards the life that he truly wants. Perhaps, he is already at that point already, and he can\'t believe tha this life can get any better either. Starting his career in the education system, he has from his first working days been a person that looks to build health and wellness into his life. He focused on coaching triathlon programmes as a Personal Trainer, Triathlon Coach, Youth and Junior Triathlon Development for Tri-Fi Health and Wellness and Chelsea Peirs, particularly looking at ways to tackle the problem of childhood obesity. But these activities were just the foundation to where he is now, with his online platform the Traveling Cup, and of course a podcast thrown into the mix too. In the summer of 2013, a former student met him\\xa0for coffee. \\xa0 And after a bit of catching up, he leaned in and confessed something.\\xa0Fresh out of college, he needed\\xa0our guests help. He said,\\xa0"I just graduated and want to make sure that the next steps I take allow me to\\xa0have\\xa0tremendous impact in the world. To help make\\xa0the\\xa0world a better place. What tips do you have? I feel a little lost. College didn\'t really prepare me for this." So how did he feel when he\\xa0heard his statement? Did the angels start singing and a\\xa0light shine down upon his head, showing him the next stage of his life, or did he just think "Well I\\xa0think I can help this guy,\\xa0but I don\'t know about anyone else?" Well let\'s find out as we bring onto the show to start joining up dots, with the one and only Mr Mark W Guay'