Podcast 344: Matthew Pollard: Making Sure He Loves What He Does Everyday

Published: April 7, 2015, 4 a.m.

b"Todays guest is a man who is really going after it in a big way. With five multimillion-dollar business success stories\\xa0to his name in industries as vastly different as telecommunication, construction, and nationally accredited education, Matthew has been characterized as\\xa0a true differentiation, niche marketing, and sales systemization powerhouse. Just like everyone else,\\xa0he had to overcome many hardships throughout his life, some perhaps harder than others. Due to a disability, he had a reading speed of a sixth grader at the age of 18, resulting in introversion and an extreme lack of confidence. In 2007, he fell victim to a glassing to the face, which took 26 stitches, painful plastic surgery, and more than five years to heal. While others may have let these misfortunes hold them back,\\xa0he has\\xa0used them to learn and turned them into advantages that he now shares with others. His favorite saying is, \\u201cYou decide every moment of every day who you are and what you believe in, you get a second chance every second\\u201d. And now even though he is only in his early 30's he has a life that has covered many of the dots we see on Join Up Dots. The good times, the bad times, the successes and failures which have all lead him to where he is today. So does he look back ever on his life and reflect at the decisions that he has made, that placed him in situations that were out of his control, such as the glassing in 2007? And does he see where he is, as just the start. Does he see the willingness to overcome these things, as just the loading of the rocket power for his ultimate blast off? Well lets find out as we bring onto the show to start joining up dots with the one and only Mr Matthew Pollard."