Podcast 343: Austin Netzley: Living A Fantasy Life But Laying Every Brick Himself

Published: April 6, 2015, 4 a.m.

b'I love it when you start researching a guest to have them on Join Up Dots, and you see a huge amount of facts on their about page, not least a big square "It all begins with mind-set" Well todays guest has a history that so many of us will resonate with, as we start on our careers, looking for the ultimate success that we believe is our god given right. But unfortunately more often than not the big man in the sky, doesn\'t help us out, and instead we have to go through the hard times before making that decision that it\'s down to us and nobody else. Well, our guy today graduated college with a similar tale to so many people coming out of the education system. He was $80,000 in debt (mostly student loans), had an empty bank account (~$100\\xa0at most times), a middle-class mind-set, and lots of ambition, but also stress, fear, lack of confidence, and a lot of uncertainty about what to do with his life. Sound similar? Well let\'s then tell you that whilst working in the corporate world, even with that uncertain start to his working life, he managed to\\xa0pay off his debt in under 3 years, retire\\u2019 at the age of 27, travelled around the world (25 countries and counting!), have well into the 6-figures in 3 different accounts, created his own investing algorithm, and started his first side business which led to a gross income of more than $100,000 every year (between salary, bonuses and investments), and here is the kicker.... Most importantly, he found personal freedom, confidence, peace of mind, and ultimately, happiness. As he says "I don\\u2019t say any of this to brag (actually, my biggest fear in the world is to come off as a bragger). I say this to show you what you can achieve, and that I\\u2019ve learned some things that work very well." So how has he managed to find the way to the kind of life that so many people want, but can\'t truly believe should be theirs to have? And does he look back at his starting point and ever think....if I could only go back in time with the knowledge I have now...."Wow....what a ride it would be?" Well lets find out as we bring onto the show to start joining up dots, with the one and only Mr Austin Netzley.'