Podcast 342: Tim Conley: Freedom To Work When He Wants, Where He Wants

Published: April 5, 2015, 4 a.m.

b'Todays guest is known as one of the top direct response marketing consultants in the startup and online entrepreneurship communities. He\\u2019s famous for generating for his clients six and seven figure revenue breakthroughs, and doubling their time off, all while they live, work and play anywhere in the world. And isn\\u2019t that we all want. The ability to blend work and vacations, so one becomes the other and vice versa. As a coach, advisor and mentor to over 400 founders (plus several hundred Foolish Adventure students), he has developed systems for helping entrepreneurs discover their strengths, build their authority and skyrocket their revenue. In 2004, he moved away from Portland, Oregon and finally broke free of in-person consulting, and since that time, Tim has made use of mobile technologies to allow him to live, work and play anywhere, too. Just recently he spent a month traveling around Bali while running his high-end mastermind (global), coached 3 entrepreneurs (2 in US, 1 in Australia) and finished up a consulting project for a client in China. Through his posts, podcasts and coaching, he will help us all do the same \\u2014 gain the freedoms of Time, Income and Mobility by transforming your business. He has a passion for living, enjoying himself, inspiring others and saying goodbye to the self limiting thinking that traps so many of us. So how did he grasp the ultimate productity mind-set that works so amazingly well to achieve the big goals and the big life experiences too? And does he look at the world in general and think \\u201cPut on new glasses people\\u2026you just can\\u2019t see what time you are wasting!\\u201d Well lets find out as we bring onto the show to start joining up dots, with the one and only Mr Tim Conley'