Podcast 337: David Gaggin: A Life Of Questioning The Big Stuff

Published: March 31, 2015, 4:01 a.m.

b"Throughout his successful career as an engineer for Boeing, NASA and the US Army, our guest entrepreneur today spent forty years of his own time researching the philosophies of ancient wisdom, and many other schools of thought to answer the fundamental questions we should all ask ourselves sometimes in our lives. \\xa0 Why are we here? \\xa0 What is \\xa0our purpose? \\xa0 How might we live it better \\xa0 As he says, \\u201cI\\u2019ve been a seeker of truth for as long as I can remember. I recall as a teenager sitting in church looking at all the pomp and ceremony and thinking \\u201cI don\\u2019t know what truth is, but this isn't it!\\u201d \\xa0 So began a quest to find the answers to these questions and of course to understand himself as well as he can too leading to great success. \\xa0 Taking advantage of his extensive training, he voraciously studied all the major religions and their origins. \\xa0 He read the ancient texts like the Books of the Dead, and The Kyballion. \\xa0 He studied the eastern and western philosophers from Pythagoras to Plato from Lao to Emerson. \\xa0 As a trained engineer he studied all the sciences including quantum mechanics, relativity, cosmology, anthropology, and archeology. \\xa0 He even studied reincarnation, mystics, UFO\\u2019s. \\u201cI wanted to look at reality from every perspective I could think of,\\u201d he offers. \\xa0 His book, The Endless Journey, is the culmination of his personal quest. \\xa0 It is a straight forward non-religious book, which is supported by many medical and scientific studies, offering a very understandable explanation of our world and the spiritual world in which we reside after death. \\xa0 It explains our nature and provides uplifting guidance on how to make the most out of our lives. \\xa0 Especially when we say \\u2018yes\\u2019 to the experience as spiritual beings.\\xa0 \\xa0 This last statement is a huge part of life, and one that we can skip over quite quickly time and time again\\u2026..saying \\u201cyes\\u201d to the opportunities that surround us everyday. \\xa0 So of course the big question too all this research is has he answered the questions about himself, or after 40 years is he still as confused as the rest of us? \\xa0 And as a scientist how did he manage to research and not dismiss some of the more out there concepts that appear in his book? \\xa0 Well lets find out as we bring onto the show, to start joining up dots with the one and only Mr David Gaggin."