Podcast 330: Julie Gohring: Finding Business Success On A Costa Rican Surfboard

Published: March 24, 2015, 4:01 a.m.

b'It is very lucky that we have todays guest on the show, as quite simply its rare that we can get her away from the beach. Yep, she loves nothing more than frolicking around in the surf and the sand, whilst earning an income at the same time. I know what you are thinking "That can\'t be possible!! Days at the beach are for vacations and weekends, not for the working day" But she certainly has turned that mind-set on its head, as she now lives in Tamarindo in Costa Rica, and teaches clients alongside her boyfriend Nick, how to feel fit and healthy. She believes that your health and fitness is fundamental to living a full and happy life. Not only can it change your body and allow you to experience more fun in the physical world, but also it creates a positive attitude that carries over into other parts of your life. But this is one of those stories where you can see the dots joining up from her early age, as her Dad really installed a belief that a well-lived life was something to be nurtured and never taken for granted. And from her base in San Francisco she was literally in touching distance of her partner and business partner Nick, and never got a chance to touch....or should I say meet. So is this a life that looks totally glorious from the outside but is as hard work as going to a cubicle everyday? And does she feel now that humans have to think bigger and bigger to reap the rewards that are out there for all of us? Well lets find out as we bring onto the show to start joining up dots, with the one and only Julie Gohring'