Podcast 325: Michelle Patterson: Motivation To Own A Never Quit Career Path

Published: March 19, 2015, 4:01 a.m.

b"Today's guest entrepreneur joining us on the Join Up Dots podcast interview is a lady who believes totally in the mission that she started back in, well actually it seems like something that has been in her since a small girl. She is driven by the belief that everyone has something significant to contribute and when people (male or female) come together and support one another; \\u201cWe are truly Better Together.\\u201d She has total freedom of choice to go about creating the career success that she wants in her life, by being committed to helping individuals discover their talent and connect to the right circle of people to live out their purpose. And that really is a key point to building success in ones life. Surround yourself with the right people who can complement your own strengths, and make your best even better. Setting her career out on firm foundations she left\\xa0Loyola Marymount University\\xa0wth a BA\\xa0in\\xa0Business/Political Science\\xa0and started working for\\xa0Accountants Overload as an account executive. She then moved onto\\xa0Robert Half International\\xa0and did ten years, before becoming\\xa0an\\xa0Area Manager and Trainer\\xa0for New Century Mortgage. And what is most impressive is due to her outlook, and positive disposition she appears to have built on the connections that she gained at these companies, and instead of simply walking away from them, built upon them. The no experience wasted theory, working hand in hand with no personal relationship should be wasted either. Now she has many plates spinning at one time, with\\xa0commentator, author, public speaker, and President of several global networks, as well as being a mother and wife of her beloved husband Eric all on her schedule. So how has she done all this and still look like she is in her early twenties? And does she see networking, and building connections as the major piece of the puzzle that people miss out on for fear of not having anything to offer? Well let's find out as we bring onto the show to start joining up dots, with the one and only entrepreneur Michelle Patterson."