Podcast 317: Josh Turner: A Quick Stumble Into The World Of LinkedIn

Published: March 11, 2015, 4:01 a.m.

b'Todays guest is one of those that I feel we will need to have on the show more than once.\\nThe first time, in true Join Up Dots fashion we need to delve deeply into what makes the man tick and discover how he went from being an employee to the creator of several very successful online businesses.\\nStarting his working life in Construction, and then moving into architecture it seems to me that at his core is a man who loves building stuff.\\nI can imagine him now as a small child with a box of Lego, or pens and paper, laying on the floor as he planned some new invention or creature out of his imagination.\\nSo after leaving the "corporate world" in 2009, he started Gateway CFO Solutions\\xa0 primarily working as an outsourced CFO for small businesses, leveraging the networks he had built online and off.\\nAs he says "By 2011, some of my clients started noticing the things I was doing on LinkedIn to grow my business and asked me if I could help them do the same. One of them hired me to do it for them, and that\'s when LinkedSelling was born. Since then, our company has seen exponential growth and we\'ve started LinkedUniversity.com, Webinarli, and Onward Magazine."\\nSo as I say, Im sure there are so many of you that are thinking "ok , how can I do the same...and I\'ll be honest I had the very same thought"\\nSo without further ado, lets bring onto the show, to start joining up dots with the one and only, Mr Josh Turner.'