Podcast 313: Derek Rydall: Motivation Expert Shows Us How To Create Lifestyle Success

Published: March 7, 2015, 5:01 a.m.

b'Todays guest entrepreneur joining us on the Join Up Dots is someone who I\'ll be honest I didn\'t realise his backstory when I first knew that he was going to be a guest on the show.\\nI had seen his name as someone who believes that he can instil the motivation into any of us to radically change all of our lives, so I had an impression of him simply being another life coach.\\nBut how about when I tell you that although he is rocking and rolling and doing great work in the world of changing mind-set, and increasing positivity in his client lives, he is also an American screenwriter, screenplay consultant, script doctor, author and amazingly, at least it was to me, as stuntman too.\\nAnd it seems that the last role was one of his "Big Dots" that truly was the starting point to him becoming who he is today, as after a life-changing "brush with death" while making a movie, he left the stunt business and considered becoming a monk, then a minister, until instead he hid himself away\\xa0 in his apartment without TV or news and meditated for several years.\\nHe emerged to become a licensed integrative therapist, best-selling author, and he actually adopted a monk, no not a monkey but an actual monk which is of course another story.\\nSo what was his passion when he was a small child, and was it ore closely linked to who he is now, or that of who he was?\\nAnd where does he see this movement of people looking for self-belief going, as it seems bigger than it has ever been?\\nWell Lets find out as we bring onto the show to start joining up dots with the one and only motivation expert Mr Derek Rydall.'