Podcast 309: Debbie Mack: A Lady With The Motivation To Live A Devine Life Everyday.

Published: March 3, 2015, 5:01 a.m.

b'Todays guest\'solopreneur joining us on the join up dots top rated podcast, is a lady who like many of us had a path to where she is today, which was full of the kind of dots that you can\'t see at the time, but become crystal clear much later on in life.\\nShe is the Creative designer at the design company Milanistudios in Houston Texas, where she spends her days helping small business with the kind of creative ventures that we all struggle with Video Services, Website Development and Multimedia Design.\\nBut this isn\'t a story about an entrepreneurial leap of faith, but a story of waking up one day to take on a normal day, that would turn out to be extraordinary.\\nBack in 2010 her life was literally thrown into the air, when a freak accident happened to her, which of course happens to thousands of people everyday, but we never really feel that it will happen to us.\\nOne day she was crossing the street, and a car came from nowhere and hit her, and that one incident changed her life and helped her re-discover her lifes purpose after losing track of it in her early 20\'s.\\nAnd now as sha says " I have picked up 100% and full steam ahead for the rest of my life. I created an initiative called Vivadivine. It\\u2019s geared toward conscious living, defining a purpose driven life and much more. I am also pursuing my goal to become a life coach."\\nBut this goes much deeper than this, as the phrase VivaDivine had been one that she had been living with for over 26 years, and started in the most opposite of directions that you can imagine.\\nYes, a close friend Granger Sanders coined the words, and now not a day will go by when she doesn\'t think "Man, those dots in my life so joined up"\\nSo how did it come about that this alter ego was born, and stayed with her for so many years?\\nAnd would she look back on that dreadful day when her body took a pounding from the car and think "Thank god for that" or "God, I wish that had never happened?\\nWell let\'s find out as we bring onto the show to start joining up dots, with the one and only Debbie Mack.'