Podcast 27: Denise O'Berry: An Entrepreneur Whose Business Can Take Us All To The Next Level

Published: May 25, 2014, 4:01 a.m.

b'Todays guest entrepreneur that I am looking forward to interview on the inspiring Steve Jobs based podcast, is the go to lady if you are inspired to take control of your life and create your own income producing business. For over twenty years she found motivation working for a large Fortune 500 company helping company leaders, departments and teams create and put their plans into action to make change happen. In short she is an "action lady" who loves the thrill of inspiring others to take action and get things done. But if we look at her history it has a similar tale to many entrepreneurs and self starters, where its clear that career success hasn\'t been achieved\\xa0overnight. Starting her first blog "Just For Small Business" way back in 2004 was just the first of her online Dots that can connect us to today. This led to a relationship with her book publisher Wiley.com who published "Small Business Cash Flow: Strategies For Making Your Business A Financial Success, as they liked her knowledge, her style and believed there was a need for small business owners to manage their cash better. So what more has she got on her plate ? Well not just content at being a coach, author, and business owner, she has since November 2012 become a video star too. As now you can find her on you tube with her weekly online TV show the "Little Big Show" for business owners, giving great advice in small bite size chunks! Whilst having a lifestyle that is totaly under her own control. Her motto is "Absolutely Nothing. That\\u2019s Exactly What Will Happen If You Don\\u2019t Turn Your Great Ideas Into Action\\u2122 " and even better...or at least I liked it her initials spell DO! So lets delve into her life and start joining up some dots with the one and only entrepreneurial powerhouse Denise O\'Berry.'