Podcast 261: Corey Poirier: From Standup To Changing Lives In Many Steps

Published: Jan. 14, 2015, 5:01 a.m.

b"Steve Jobs knew a thing or two about connecting up dots, and todays guest entrepreneur joining us on the Freedom inspiring podcast knows that thing too.\\nHe is ready to break free from his restraints and try something new.\\nSo do you get scared trying something new?\\nDo you start to wobble if someone asks you to get up in front of people and be authentically yourself?\\nDo you think that you haven't got enough time in a day to make the momentum to work towards something rewarding and exciting?\\nWell for most of us these are questions that stop us in our tracks\\xa0 before we get to do anything.\\nBut for todays guest he is either 420 years old, or he has worked out how to maximise every second of every day to create a body of work that is hugely impressive.\\nOver 400 articles in print, an appearance on Canada's Got Talent, over 3,000 interviews with the high achievers of the world, professional Comedian with over 400 performances to credit, professional Singer / Songwriter with 3 CD's, Radio Appearances, and over 500 performances to credit, sought after Award Winning Speaker, bringing three 3 Stage-Plays and a One-Man Show to Life, you get the idea........\\nSo is this going to be a conversation about hustle, talent, belief, courage, or all of them?\\nWell we will find out, but I am fascinated at what started this journey off?\\nWas he inspired by a relative, friend, or teacher who was doing stuff their way everyday of the week?\\nOr does he just have a way of compressing time to live a life that is full and eclectic?\\nWell let's find out as we bring onto the show to start in he words of Steve Jobs joining up dots, with the one and only amazing entrepreneur Corey Poirer."