Podcast 256: Chris Randall: Finding The Flow Is The Way To Go

Published: Jan. 9, 2015, 5:01 a.m.

b'Todays guest entrepreneur is a man who has a thing going on which when I heard about it I knew that I had to have him on the show.\\nHow many times have you heard me talk about finding that thing in your life when you literally lose hours at a time.\\nYou get so engrossed in the activity that you look at the clock and think "God it feels that I just had breakfast and it\'s lunchtime already!"\\nAnd that my friends is true success.\\nIt might have been a while since you last felt that feeling whilst working in your current job or occupation.\\nAnd that is where our guest comes in.\\nHe provides his life changing method "Flowcoaching" to lead a highly successful and well rewarded life doing what matters most to you.\\nHe believes as I do that it can also transform any business into a happy, creative and passionate place that inspirational people seek out.\\nYou enjoy yourself more, get more things done, and therefore have more free time for yourself.\\nYep cake and eat it time.\\nBut he wasn\'t always on this path, as he was once a banking litigation lawyer before building (from scratch) and running a successful international investment banking recruitment business; in his last 3 years he personally billed over \\xa32.75 million in revenue and juggled that task with the responsibility of running and managing the business.\\nNowadays, however he no longer believes he has to be \\u2018hard-nosed\\u2019 to get things done, however, he is just as keen on adding value to his clients\\u2019 lives and businesses.\\nAnd of course enjoying himself too. He loves climbing a mountain or two. Can\'t beat jumping on his bike. And is even a world record breaker!\\nSo when did he realise that the ability to immerse yourself in an activity in such a way is the way to go?\\nAnd does he see more and more people now looking for the same things in life?\\nWell lets find out as we bring onto the show to start joining up dots, the one and only Mr Chris Randall'