Podcast 237: Jessica Pettitt: An Entrepreneur Who Has A Lifestyle That Is More Than Good Enough

Published: Dec. 21, 2014, 5:01 a.m.

b'Todays guest entrepreneur is a lady who is inspired to take bold action everyday to inspire everyone that she meets, to want to take action too.\\nDo the scary things that hold us back from greatness?\\nFind the freedom to challenge the status quo, and find better ways to live for not just yourself, but the communities around you?\\nAccept diversity as the magic that makes this planet the wonderful and fascinating place that we live.\\nShe brings 10+ years in Student Affairs, 5+ years of national consulting work, and 2+ years of stand up comedy into her life everyday as part of her mission to inspire change, dismantle oppression, and recognize our privilege.\\nThrough teaching, writing and facilitating tough conversations, she has figured out how to create a lifestyle which allows her to be the change she wants to be, and is now ready to teach others how to do the same.\\nSo when did she realise that there was a need in her to stand up and state "I am social justice" which just happens to the name of her blog too!\\nAnd does she see a changing in opinions and attitudes throughout the world, as we look to accept who we are and more importantly who others are too?\\nWell lets find out as we bring onto the show to start joining up dots with the one and only US entrepreneur Jessica Pettitt.'