Podcast 235: Will Hodson: An Entrepreneur Content To Build A Lifestyle Of Freedom And Cycling

Published: Dec. 19, 2014, 5:01 a.m.

b'It is super to have todays guest on the inspirational Steve Jobs inspired Join Up Dots podcast show, as he is quite simply the nearest to a real life superman that I have ever spoken to.\\nHe is a man on a mission, and it is a mission that will take him around the world and inspire the world at the same time.\\nStarting in April 2015 and finishing in January 2020, he is going to try to complete a record-breaking 7 Continents Round the World Cycle ride, whilst wearing a superman costume?\\nYou can only imagine how sore parts of his body are going to be on this epic adventure!\\nStarting his career as a teacher, he always had the motivation to jump onto his bike and see the world. Never content to just relax and go with the flow.\\nHis cycling adventures actually started way back in 2011, when he cycled 4,000km from his home in Tooting to Turkey, raising over \\xa35,000 for charity but this was literally just a "Hey honey I\'m just going for a ride on the bike for awhile!" kind of trip in comparison.\\nNow he is working his way up to the kind of fitness, to tackle head on this amazing trip and on the way aim to raise \\xa3100,000 towards the World Cancer Research Fund and Parkinson\\u2019s UK.\\nBut like so many inspiring tales of achievement and extreme effort that we hear on Join Up Dots, more often than not its the smaller ripples that make for lasting change in the world.\\nOur guest teaches year one children at Brandlehow Primary School in Putney, and is also the Healthy Schools Coordinator for his school.\\nHe said: \\u201cI\\u2019ve got my own super cycling club that I run after school. And its great to see the kids get excited about cycling; one girl said that she wants to cycle to Egypt when she\\u2019s older so I\\u2019m hoping to inspire them to go on their own adventure.\\u201d\\nI\'m sure he is going to do just that too.\\nSo what is it about cycling freedom that so appeals, as it is renown as being one of the hardest form of long distance endurance?\\nAnd how has he managed to get so much time away from school, he can\'t go with the "Oh its a teacher training day" after all?\\nWell lets find out as we bring onto the show to start joining up dots, the Super cycling man himself, Mr Will Hodson.'